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When you need to demolish a building, we can help you get it done right.
LinebachFunkhouser ensures that asbestos and other concerns are taken care of and your environmental regulatory requirements are met.
Partnership Matters.

There is more to demolition than just knocking the building down.  Local ordinances and state regulations usually require pre-notification and permits before demolition can begin.  Materials such as asbestos and lead-based paint, if present, must be addressed.  LFI can be your partner in preparing bid and specification documents so you can select the right demolition contractor, address all the environmental issues, and have an expert oversee the entire project to ensure that it is done right.

LFI has extensive demolition experience ranging from small, single-story buildings to large, multi-building industrial complexes.

Key Services:
  • Preparation of bid & specification documents

  • Pre-bid meetings with contractors

  • Bid evaluation and contractor selection

  • Asbestos sampling and management

  • Preparation and submittal of regulatory notifications

  • Obtain pollution control permits

  • Project management and oversight

We are experts in managing asbestos abatement and other environmental clean-up prior to demolition, working with local and state regulators to make sure all environmental concerns are properly managed, and ensuring that all required pollution control-related permits are obtained.  LFI will oversee the entire demolition, coordinate contractors and field activities, and keep you informed through the entire process.

Facility Demolition

Bid and Spec.


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© 2023 Linebach Funkhouser, Inc. 

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